Can be started on any week day.
The cost of this course includes 2 dives on Nitrox - 1 day.
The high partial pressure of nitrogen experienced when diving is the limiting factor to our dive time and depth. Reducing the proportion of nitrogen allows us to extend our dive times especially when doing repeat dives. The proportion of nitrogen is reduced by increasing the percentage of oxygen.
The course prepares the experienced diver to use 32% and 36% Nitrox mixes, with detailed cover of new decompression and of oxygen toxicity tables. Much of the theory is covered using excellent videos.
The course culminates with two dives using Nitrox.
All theory for this course needs to be completed online, so you can prepare all the theory for this course prior to arrival, eliminating classroom time when you are in Malta.
Theory Code
On booking this course, please be sure to purchase a PADI ELearning code which you need to access the online theory for the Nitrox course.
For more information regarding our specialty courses including accommodation please contact us by email